Version 2.3.0

Release notes

Release note 2.3.0

Dec. 14th 2022
Fixed bugs. and Replaced help file.

Release note 2.1.2

Aug.2nd 2022
Fixed bugs.

Release note 2.1.1

July. 3rd 2022
Fixed many bugs.

Release note 2.1.0

Jan. 23rd 2022

  • Implemented following commands and functions.
    • ID Command
    • Dist Command
    • Angle Command
    • Object snaps
    • Polar tracking
    • Object snap tracking

Release note 2.0.4

Nov. 28th 2021

  • You can change font in the tree view and property window and so on by the option dialog.
  • A couple of bugs were fixed.

Release note 2.0.3

Nov. 21st 2021

  • The bottleneck of rendering speed was fixed and it approximately doubled than the previous.

    • I found that some types of drawing lines in OpenGL were terribly slow.
      The application had used the VBO objects and called the following OpenGL command to draw lines.
      It was the bottleneck. I had had to use glPolygonMode to draw polygon edges.
      • ::glDrawArrays(GL_LINE_STRIP, i, size);
  • I put new tabs in the ribbon bar because there was no room for putting on new command buttons.

Release note 2.0.2

Nov. 14th 2021

  • A bug was fixed in the application regarding 3D view.
    • The program had to release GDI objects at the end of rendering, but the program hadn’t released the GDI objects.
      It causes slowdowns on the rendering and the application finally shuts down.
      (The GDI object is programming term. it represented rendering resources.)
      I embedded the bug unintentionally when I repeatedly refined the program structure.

Release note 2.0.1

Nov. 6th 2021
The application was compiled by Visual Studio 2022 RC version.

Release note 2.0.0

Aug. 9th 2021

  • Implemented Undo/Redo command
  • Removed derived attributes from property window.
    • I noticed that the derived attributes displayed in the property window.
      I removed them from the window because I can’t deal with them properly.
      There is a myriad of rules.

Release note 1.9.9

Jun. 14th 2021

  • Implemented Filter Command.
    • You can pick up objects what you want by the Filter command.
      You can select them by type and floor.
  • Window selects
    *You can select multiple elements at once by enclosing visual objects in the view.

Release note 1.9.8

Apr. 15th 2021

  • Implemented shade mode.
    • You can choose three types of shade mode, solid, translucent, and wireframe.


Release note 1.9.7

Apr. 4th 2021

  • Implemented section views.
    • You can create a plan, elevation or section view.

      Plan View

      Elevation View

      Section View

Release note 1.9.6

Jan. 2nd 2021

  • Added the “Arch” panel on the “Home” tab.

  • Implemented the following commands regarding to conceptual architectual things.

    • Add Site
    • Add Building
    • Add Grid

  • Implemented a command to display IFC headers in the current IFC file.

  • Added the “Window” panel on the “View” tab. and implemented the following commands regarding to arrange model views.

    • Cascade window
    • Title Vert window
    • Tile Hor window

Release note 1.9.5

May. 24th 2020

  • Fixed the bug relating to IfcStyledItem.
    • Walls in the model view couldn’t have been displayed as specified colors.
  • Implemented Hyperlink command.
    • You can associate hyperlinks with IFC instances.
    • You can search all hyperlinks in the IFC file by the Hyperlink tab. Click the “OK” button to see the list.

  • Fixed the property window to deal with “Selet type”.
    • You can change type of the “selec type”

    • If you select “Entity type”. you can select an ifc entity or create it.

  • The bug fixed relating to redraw.
    • The application had been crashed when you changed geometrical property in the property window relating to the Boolean operation.
  • The bug fixed for the “LOGICAL” type in the property window.
    • the “LOGICAL” type can contain “TRUE”, “FALSE”, of “UNKNOWN”. The application couldn’t have dealt with the type in the property window.

Release note 1.9.4

May. 13th 2020

  • Added runtime dll for the application in the setup.exe.

  • Implemented the following comamnds.

    • New comamnd
      • The “New” command creates new ifc file from a template ifc file. Please specify the template file in the option dialog.

    • Delete command
      • You can delete specified ifc instances.
    • Add Instance comamnd
      • You can create new ifc instance.

  • Fixed the bug regarding to IfcBooleanResult.

    • The IfcBooleanResult couldn’t have been displayed.
  • Added the menu for creating new IfcBuildingStorey in the IfcBuilding nodes in the project view.

  • Fixed the bug regarding to writing aggregate attributes.

    • The application had had the problem for writing aggregate attributes.
      In detail, The application had incremented values of an array and saved.
  • Changed the method for displaying entity name.

    • The application had displayed the entity name as the lower cases.
      The entity names are displayed as the camel cases to read easily.
      • ifcwallstandardcase (before)
      • IfcWallStandardCase (after)

Release note 1.9.3

Apr. 21st 2020

  • Fixed the bug regarding to model view.

    • The model view immediately renders when you change geometric properties now.
      For example, If you change a location property of an IfcLocalplacement,
      The position of objects in the model view will be chnaged.
      And if you change a depth property of a IfcExtrudedAreaSolid of a column,
      The length of the column will be changed.
  • Added options for the CSV export command

    • You can designate the character of the separation (comma or tab) and quotation (", ’ or nil) by the option dialog.

Release note 1.9.2

Mar. 4th 2020

  • Added “Apply” button at the bottom of the IFC explore to update properties.

  • Added icons in the project view.

Release note 1.9.1

Feb. 27th 2020

  • Fixed bugs.
    • The application had deleted the selected structure unintentionally
      when you clicked the delete button in the property window.

Release note 1.9.0

Feb. 25th 2020

  • Added “Save” command.
    • You can save Ifc files.
      (You can’t delete structures yet. Also, the BEAVER can’t change objects in the model view immediately, Please reopen the file.)

    • Please press “Apply” button in the property view when you change values in order to change value.

Release note 1.8.1

Feb. 9th 2020

  • Fixed to speed up 3D viewer.
    • The model view became faster by skipping unnecessary OpenGL command.

Release note 1.8.0

Feb. 7th 2020

  • Added IfcExplore.
    • The IfcExplore gives you information auxiliary about entities in the file. You can search entities by entity name.

Release note 1.7.0

Jan 27th 2020

  • Added Search command.
    • You can use the “Regular Expression”.
    • You can export the result of the searching as a CSV file.
    • You can zoom in objects in the model view.

Release note 1.6.1

Aug 10th 2019

  • Fixed to display IfcSpace in the 3D view as transparent boxes.

Release note 1.6.0

July 23rd 2019

  • Added function to zoom selected objects in the model view.

  • Supported Ifccshapeprofiledef.

  • Supported IfccGeometricSet.

  • Fixed to display IfcFacetedBrep correctly.

Release note 1.5.1

July 6th 2019

  • Added Colum, Slab, Wall, Beam, Footing and Rebar to the Quantity view. you can also export them as CSV files.

Release note 1.5.0

Jun 28th 2019

  • Added the quantity view and commamnd for exporting quantities as CSV file.
    • You can take off quantities of windows and doors with this function. and also, you can export the quantities list as CSV file.

Release note 1.4.0

Jun 22th 2019

  • Changed icons

Release note 1.3.0

Jun 9th 2019

  • Added FBX file export command.

    • The FBX file format is used to exchange data among games and CG applications.

Release note 1.2.0

Jun 2nd 2019

  • Fixed the problem.

    • If RefDirection attribute was null in IfcAxis2Placement2d instance, the program ignore to display.
  • Fixed to display IfcDerivedProfileDef in the model view.

  • Added Multi processors option.

  • Fixed to display rebar in the model view.

Release note 1.1.1

May 25th 2019

  • Fixed the camera in the model more accurately.

Release note 1.1.0

May 24th 2019

  • You can display encoded strings in the IFC file came from Revit.

  • Added OBJ file export command.

  • Added STL file export command.

Release note 1.0.0

May 13th, 2019

  • Release first version of the BIM BEAVER.

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